Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We, Black Opal Developments, are committed to protecting the privacy of anyone using our site and the confidentiality of any information that you provide us with. The purpose of this statement is to set out how we use any personal information that we may obtain from you via our website.

You may opt out of receiving information from us at any time by email:

Email – [email protected]

Use and Collection of Personal Information

In general you can visit our website without telling us who you are and without revealing any information about yourself.

However, there are areas of our website where we do gather data as follows:

If you submit an enquiry via our website you will be asked to provide certain information, including name, e-mail address and contact number.

We may use information that you provide:

  • To register you with our website and to administer it;
  • To deal with your enquiry which may include contacting your directly and supplying quotations and further information about our services
  • For assessment and analysis, e.g. marketing, customer and product analysis, to enable us to review, develop and improve our services.


We endeavour to take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information However, we cannot guarantee the security of any data that you disclose online and we will not be responsible for any breach of security unless this is due to our negligence or wilful default.


You have the right to see personal data (as defined in current data protection legislation including GDPR) that we keep about you upon receipt of a written request.